• 201, Marathon Maxima, Mumbai
  • +91 22 66 800 800


 Supported more than 2,000 youths to find the right match.

 Organized marriages of more than 1,500 couples of which, 200 were orphan girls of different orphanages from Maharashtra and other states.

 Added happiness in lives of more than 10,000 persons by supplying them necessities ranging from food, clothing, etc.

 Spread happiness in lives of more than 2,500 persons by providing health assistance through medical camps.

 Contributed towards environment protection through tree plantation drives.

 Organized 300 plus religious events to encourage people to get closer to spirituality and ethos.

 Offered free pilgrimages to more than 10,000 pilgrims.

 Every year Jeevdaya activities are conducted to support animals and birds.

 Relief works conducted during natural calamities.

 Supporting other social organizations by helping in managing noble and national events.